Limestone outcropping owned by the USFS Monongahela National Forest. CR Rd 33/8 is located ca. 75 m downslope from cliff. Below that is the Shavers Fork River. Across the river is a large cleared floodplain covered in campers. US Rt 33 is located ca. 0.4 miles S of plot. The cliff can be observed from Rt 33. The forest below the cliff is rich oak - hickory w/ red oak, sugar maple, shagbark and bitternut hickories. This is one of the nicest limestone cliffs I have observed. Large and undisturbed. Above the cliff Trillium nivale was found growing in a drier red oak - white oak / sugar maple / hophornbeam forest. Up river is the Bowden Fish Hatchery.;Large exposed limestone outcrop with overhangs and ledges. Large center ledge is moist and somewhat shady with a constant drip. The cliff itself is sparsely covered with mosses and lichens. The lichens and mosses are confined to the more stable substrates. The rock appears to occassionally exfoliate due to the freeze thaw process, exposing fresh bare rock. Ledges are home to several herbaceous plants as well as a few shrubs and vines. However there is only 1 large tree rooted in the plot. It is at the very base but offers little cover. There are also a few overhanging trees from the top. Site should be visited later in growing season.
Large undisutrbed outcrop of Greenbrier limestone. Similar to plot MONF.522, within Coberly Sods cove. However here the rock is larger and considerably more exposed.